
Serenity is a place, an atmosphere, a state of being and of mind.
What’s mine?
The rain. I love and I’m in love with it. I’m not sure what exactly it is about the rain. Ironically, when it rains I feel most alive, free and at ease. The rain makes everything stand still…things happen much slower… and I appreciate this. It has the tendency also to inspire self-reflection and encourage thoughts of gratitude; it’s soothing and exciting all at the same time.




The rain is my serenity. Where do you find yours?

I’m going to go dance in the rain now…



2 Comments Add yours

  1. Jay246 says:

    The gym, it’s the place where for that hour or however long I’m in there that any problems I may have bother me….it just me & the weights when I’m in there. Other thing would be looking at the moon like there is just something about it that is so soothing…I really can’t describe it.


  2. Ohh! The rain is always so beautiful and the pretty umbrellas can be wonderful accessories.


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